Ulama Communication Strategy at the “Indonesia Mengaji” Event Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in Realizing a Peaceful Indonesia
This study aims to find; 1) the form of the ulama's communication strategy, 2) the function of the ulama's communication strategy, and 3) the implications of the use of the communication strategy used by the ulema at the "Indonesia Mengaji" event at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with recording, listening, and note-taking techniques. The recording technique is used to collect data in the field. The listening technique is carried out to verify the recorded data. While the note-taking technique was carried out to record data according to the research corpus. This research resulted; 1) Communication strategies carried out by scholars include; a) Transfer strategy, b) Paraphrasing, c) Avoidance and procrastination, d) Gesture and mimic strategy. The ulama's communication strategy serves as a form of satire, information, and persuasion. Meanwhile, the implications of the strategy carried out include: a) a comprehensive understanding for the taklim assembly, b) increasing the response for the taklim assembly, c) the minimum difference between the intentions of the ulama and the taklim assembly, and d) the message of the ulama can be well received without any conflict.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i11.4134
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