Uyghur Separatism Based on Imam Al-Ghazali's As-Syaukah Perspective
This article aims to evaluate the political expression of Uyghur Muslims based in Xinjiang, China. The acts of separatism committed by Uyghur Muslims have caused serious problems, threatening China's national security and territorial unity. On the other hand, the separatism movement also threatens human security within the Uyghur Muslims themselves. In evaluating this political expression, the author will use Imam Al-Ghazali's As-Syaukah (power) perspective. This approach emphasizes the use and measurement of force to provide resistance to the Chinese regime as a form of upholding amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar. The article then uses qualitative research methods and data sources are obtained from books, journal articles, documents and relevant official statements. This article found that if Uyghur Muslims still use the offensive of separatism, it will get counterproductive results. This is due to the lack of power possessed by Uyghur Muslims in terms of human resources, international supports and military capacity to face the domination of the Chinese government. Therefore, the Uyghur Muslims' interest in liberating Xinjiang's sovereignty from China through separatism will be difficult to achieve.
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