The Basics of the Effectiveness of Qur'anic Teachings on Human Happiness
Happiness is one of the main goals of human life. Although differing in their goals and purposes, all humans seek happiness. The thinkers have long discussed the possible ways to reach happiness and its examples. However, due to the humans' limitations in mapping the path to perfect happiness, the only proper and definite way is to learn from the teachings of the Qur'an, which God revealed for this purpose. Given that human lifestyle has changed over time and humans have become accustomed to modernity, there has remained still a question unanswered: what are the basics of the effectiveness of the teachings of the Qur'an in human happiness? Therefore, the present descriptive-analytical study aimed to investigate the basics of the effectiveness of the teachings of the Qur'an using Qur'anic, narrative, and intellectual reasons and explain their effect on human happiness. The data for the analysis were collected through library research.
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