The Form of Angguk Waria Dance in Kulon Progo Regency
This study aims to described the presentation of angguk dance, transvestites a traditional dance society-based district Kulon Progo. This research used the method a qualitative approach. The subjeck pioneer angguk dance transvestites, choreographer and the dancer.The data collection was done by observation participatory, in-depth interviews with resource persons and study documentation. A sort of descriptive set lab data analyzed qualitative data reduction step, display data, and the withdrawal of the conclusions. The validity of the data resposibling source of triangulation, engineering and time. Angguk dance was born in 2016. It’s function as entertainment. The Angguk dance received by the presentation of a as follows: 1 ) motion composed of eleven each parts was named with: under the title song, 2 ) the the floor, straight in form one / two lines, diagonal and in the form of a circle the; 3 ) dressing dressing fashion used is beautiful.garment worn like warriors dutch rank in the two having a shoulder.and pants consisting of a purple in accecories; and 4 ) the performing or the stage used flexible and shaped the proscenium; 5 ) accompaniment tarinya use the music arable angguk with new songs, long as pambukaning, saya cari, ikan cucut, pintu kayu, injit-injit, jarum-jarum.
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