The Antecedents and Consequents of Work Motivation Based on Social Exchange Theory: Evidence from Indonesia
This study aims to describe Competence, spiritual leadership, work motivation and employee performance as well as analyze the effect of Competence and spiritual leadership on work motivation and to analyze the effect of Competence and spiritual leadership on employee performance through work motivation intermediaries. This research is an explanatory research and this research uses Structural Equation Model (SEM) to process sample data of 100 employees of Bank Jatim in Madura Indonesia. The results of the study show that: (1) Competence indicators, namely pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence and social competence provide significant contributions with professional competence as the dominant contributor. Spiritual leadership indicators, namely honesty, communication skills and intelligence, contributed significantly with honesty as the dominant contributor. Indicators of work motivation, namely physiological needs, social needs, esteem needs and actualization contributed significantly to the need for appreciation being the dominant contributor. Employee performance indicators, namely Accuracy in Completion of Tasks, Conformity of Working Hours, Attendance, Cooperation Between Employees and Job Satisfaction, contributed significantly to Job Satisfaction as the dominant contributor; (2) Competence and Spiritual leadership have a significant effect on work motivation; (3) Competence and spiritual leadership have a significant effect on employee performance; (4) Competence and Spiritual leadership affect employee performance through work motivation.
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