Dialectics Formulation Article 40 of Law Number 19 Year 2019 Concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission and the Increased Effects Regarding the Authority to Stop Investigation and Prosecution (SP3) on Corruption

khairul Imam, Muhammad Rustamaji


Corruption cases always get serious handling of the legal process. The legal process of corruption cases in addition to providing serious handling must also prioritize the rights of the suspect in the corruption case. The suspect's rights include the right to equality before the law. This right is absolute because it belongs to everyone. The right to equality before the law is also a part of human rights. The process of stopping investigations and prosecutions in the latest KPK Law is a legal development where the rights of criminals will be upheld, namely equality before the law. Accordingly, the author wants to examine more deeply the formulation of the discourse and the impact on Article 40 of the KPK Law regarding the termination of investigations and prosecutions.


Discourse; KPK; SP3

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i9.4049


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