Follow the Money as an Attempt of State Financial Loss Restoration in Criminal Action of Money Laundering with Corruption as Predicate Crime
Money laundering is an attempt to conceal or disguise the origins of assets acquired from a crime. Money laundering is a follow-up crime because it is followed by a criminal act, one of which is a systematic and organized criminal act of corruption, law enforcement process is not easy. One effective way of preventing and combating money laundering and corruption can be done by follow the money approach. Follow the money approach can reveal who the perpetrator, the type of crime, place and amount of hidden. Then in addition to perpetrators remain criminally charged, state financial loss recovery efforts can also be achieved. The result of t research shows the obstacles implementation of follow the money is derived from the substance element that is conflicting interpretation of Article 77 and Article 69 of Law on TPPU, the element of legal structure namely the lack of good cooperation among law enforcers, as well as the legal culture element, is the low participation of the society against the legal compliance of the criminal act of washing money especially the approach of follow the money.
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