How is the Efficiency of the Sustainable Food House Area Program in Gowa Regency?
To meet food needs, the Indonesian government has made maximum efforts to meet people's food needs. One form of realization of food diversification policies is the diversity of consumption and household-based food safety. This policy from 2010 to 2019 has been realized in the form of activities of the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL). This study aims to describe and analyze the efficiency of the Sustainable Food House Area Program in the Gowa Regency. This research uses qualitative data collection techniques through observation, depth-interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the efficiency dimension in the sustainable food house area program in Gowa Regency had not been achieved. The government has provided facilities in the form of infrastructure to support and facilitate each group to carry out a series of program processes. However, the KRPL Program can only be used by the community to the extent of household consumption; while being commercialized, it is still challenging to do because the local government does not explicitly prepare a place for marketing processed products of this program. It is urgently needed to be an adequate companion and create creative ideas that can be transferred to every farmer group in Gowa Regency to create attractively processed products.
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