Social Exchange in Broiler Breeding using Core-Plasma Partnership System

Indah Wulandari, Mahendra Wijaya, Ahmad Zuber


This article will discuss the form of social exchange in broiler breeding using core-plasma partnership system. This study was a case study taken place in Blitar Regency as one of broiler cattle breeding centers in Indonesia. The result of research showed that cattle raisers followed core-plasma partnership system because it was considered as having smaller risk than independent system. The core-plasma partnership began with social exchange between cattle raisers and Partner Company. Profit-loss, mutual need, and trust consideration underlies the exchange occurring in core-plasma partnership. Cattle raisers with limited business capital could run broiler breeding with Partner Company’s help as integrator that provided day old chicken (DOC), feed, and drugs, and marketed the harvest product. Meanwhile, Partner Company with limited land and workers could also benefit from the partnership ran. The exchange was considered as fair when it generated profit for each other despite difference profit obtained by the parties. The end of partnership implied that there was no longer social exchange between the parties engaged.


Social Exchange; Broiler Breeding; Core-Plasma Partnership

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