Karawitan Learning Ethnopedagogy as a Medium of Creating Adiluhung Character in Students

Ghufron Udin, Ahmad Zuber, Argyo Demartoto


Globalization dynamics impacts on the students’ lowered loving to local wisdom so that students understand poorly the meaning of karawitan existence as a cultural heritage rich of life wisdom values. This research aimed to analyze the ethnopedagogy of local wisdom-based character education through karawitan learning in SMA Batik 2 Surakarta, Indonesia. The unit of analysis in this qualitative research with case study approach was stakeholders of SMA Batik 2 Surakarta selected using purposive sampling. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. Data validation was carried out using source triangulation, and then data was analyzed using an interactive model. The result of research showed that karawitan learning conducted classically through both theory and practice affects positively the development of student character corresponding to local wisdom values. Through karawitan learning at school, the balanced affective development could be achieved including conscience sensitivity, supra ritual, and intellectuality of students related to God through philosophical values contained in the symbol of karawitan instrument. Synergy was required between all stakeholders of education to create conducive situation for karawitan local content learning for all students.


Ethnopedagogy; Karawitan; Local Wisdom; Character Education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i3.398


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