The Renewal Elements in the Monyeh Theater’s Dramatic Plot of Denda Wideratih Play in Lombok

Silvia Yolanda As, Sumaryadi Sumaryadi


Denda Wideratih play was created and developed as an art in a traditional theatre show in Lombok Sasak society. In the story Denda Wideratih show accompanied by Sasak gamelan instrument. By using the qualitative method of research this article aims to study the change of elements of plot theatre dramatic of the story of Monyeh Denda Wideratih with the observation of the theory of text study in the library. The data analysis uses the dramaturgic theory approach to study the elements of the dramatic plot of the tale text. The Scheme of  Dramatic plot Sumaryadi consists of: Situation, Generating circumstances, Rising action, Climax falling action, and Denouement /Catastrophe, so use to internalization in studying of dramatic plot the text of tale Denda Wideratih. The technic of data collecting do by observation and interview. This article shows that the renewal element to the dramatic plot tale of Denda Wideratih arrange as conventional suitable by the rule of theatre show generally. The ability to transform Sasak lontar become a tale text that is shown as theatrical gives new place as wealth form of Indonesia’s Dramaturgic.



Renewal Element; Dramatic Plot; Tale of Denda Wideratih

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