The Determinants and Consequents of Employee Performance: The Role of Intelligence Quotients (IQ), Emotional Quotients (EQ) and Organizational Culture
This study aims to determine the effect of Intelligence Quotients (IQ) and Emotional Quotients (EQ) on Organizational Culture and Employee Performance. This study uses a quantitative approach and the type of research is explanatory research. The research sample amounted to 200 employees of Semen Indonesia Ltd, with the method used is saturated sampling. The type of data used in the form of primary data obtained from the distribution of questionnaires. Analysis of the data used is SEM. The results showed that Intelligence Quotients (IQ) have significant effect on Organizational Culture. Emotional Quotients (EQ) have significant effect on Organizational Culture. Intelligence Quotients (IQ) have significant effect on Employee Performance. Emotional Quotients (EQ) have significant effect on Employee Performance, and Organizational Culture have significant effect on Employee Performance.
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