Implementation of Supervision by the Notary Regional Supervisory Assembly on Notaris in Executing Its Positions in Padang Pariaman Regency
A notary is a public official who is only authorized to make an authentic deed regarding all deeds, agreements and stipulations. Supervision and inspection of Notaries are carried out by the Supervisory Council, in which there is a Notary element, thus at least Notaries are supervised and examined by members of the Supervisory Council who understand the world of Notaries. Because there are quite a number of Notaries in Padang Pariaman Regency, as long as the author can see and pay attention to these violations, the author focuses on research on how the implementation of supervision by the Pariaman Regional Supervisory Council against Notaries in Padang Pariaman Regency in carrying out their positions. The research method used in this research is Sociological Juridical, which is an approach taken to analyze the extent to which a legal regulation is effective. The results of this study are (1) the implementation of supervision and guidance carried out by the Regional Supervisory Council in Padang Pariaman Regency, namely providing guidance and supervision to notaries, responding maximally to public complaints about notaries suspected of committing violations, carrying out protocol submissions. (2) Forms of Violations Committed by Notaries who are under the Supervision of the Pariaman Regional Supervisory Council, namely Lack of honesty and discipline of the Notary in carrying out his position, the Notary is negligent in carrying out his profession. Because, in this case, the Notary really trusts his employees to receive and save the fees entrusted by the client to him. So, when the fees have been deposited by the notary's client, the employees do not report the management fees deposited to the notary. Thus, the Notary must be willing to be responsible in such a case to reimburse all costs that have been incurred by his client. (3) Law Enforcement Process by the Pariaman Regional Supervisory Council Against Notaries Who Do Violations the Pariaman Regional Supervisory Council (MPD) will conduct a preliminary examination of the violations committed by the Notary. If the Notary concerned is proven to have violated Article 7 paragraph (1) letter of the UUJN, the Pariaman Regional Supervisory Council (MPD) will summon the person concerned. Summons to Notaries is made a maximum of 3 (three) times. If the Notary does not improve its performance, the report will be continued/recommended to the Supervisory Council of the Province of West Sumatra.
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