Social Movement as an Organic Intellectual in Fighting for Environment Justice in East Borneo

Adi Rahman, Yulius Slamet, Bagus Haryono


Samarinda is one of areas established by Energy, Resource, and Mineral Ministry to belong to mining business region. For that reason, Samarinda City Government issues coal mining management policy according to the authority it has. This research aimed to explain organic intellectual social movement from “Gerakan Samarinda Menggugat” (GSM) (English: Movement of Samarinda Sue”). This study was an evaluative qualitative research, referring to Antonio Gramsci’s organic intellectual theory. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. Data validation was conducted using Triangulation, and data analysis using an interactive model. The result of research showed that the effect of coal mining license sale overlapping between  population-dense areas, among others, resulted in ex-mining holes leaving poisonous water and heavy metal that has taken child life toll in Samarinda City. Departing from the situation encountered by people due to injustice and arbitrary attitude to people, Gerakan Samarinda Menggugat (GSM) was born. The sue was filed by 19 Samarinda City citizens affiliated with Gerakan Samarinda Menggugat (GSM) fighting for environment justice using Citizen Law Suit.


Effect of Coal Mining Industry; Citizen Law Suit; Social Movement; Organic Intellectual; Environment Justice

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