Analysis of the Role of Police Goes to School in Increasing Traffic Awareness of High School Students in the Jurisdiction of Polres Cianjur, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the role of Police Goes To School in increasing traffic awareness of high school students in the jurisdiction of the Cianjur Police, as well as the factors that influence the role of Police Goes To School in increasing traffic awareness of high school students in the jurisdiction of the Cianjur Police.In this study, the author uses a qualitative approach, where the problems raised and the theory used are still temporary and will develop when the author is in the field or in a social context. Based on the analysis, the results of the study indicate that the role of the Police Goes to School in increasing traffic awareness of high school students in the jurisdiction of the Cianjur Police has not been carried out properly, this can be proven by the number of traffic accidents by high school students in Cianjur Regency in 2018 to 2019 occurred an increase of 64 events. Factors that influence the role of Police Goes to School in increasing traffic awareness of high school students in the jurisdiction of the Cianjur Police are divided into two supporting factors consisting of a positive response (Man), an adequate budget (money), the material has been prepared beforehand (material), interacting directly / face to face (method), utilizing radio facilities (machine) positive responses from students (market). Inhibiting factors, namely the less than optimal placement of members and member skills (man), delays in disbursing funds (money, material is not detailed (material), still conventional (method), no additional equipment (machine), student background (market).
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Rules of Law
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Perkap Number 23 of 2010 concerning Organizational Structure and Work Procedures at the Resort Police and Police Sector Level
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