Mechanisms of Useful Scientific Interpretation and Criticizing Its Extreme
The role of science in the development and progress of societies has been a factor to use scientific discoveries in the scientific interpretation of the Qur’an. The objective existence of scientific verses in the Qur'an is undeniable, but they need to be properly investigated, because on the one hand, there are issues related to the nature of empirical science and its relationship with the Qur'an, as well as the scope of the fields of science and the Qur'an, and conceptual and elementary conflicts in this case. And On the other hand, the interest of people and scientists in this topic and the different viewpoints of the commentators and finally many diverse examples, which include about thousand verses of the Qur'an, have caused a wide topic called scientific interpretation appeared in the methodology of interpretation. Although in the meantime, the commentators of scientific interpretation have pretended that the cores and foundations of social and scientific developments were present in the text of the religious book of Muslims. So, this group of commentators who were trying to understand the verses related to the realm of science, inevitably also took a look at the scientific achievements, but they have sometimes exaggerated in this field. This article aims to explain the mechanisms of useful scientific interpretation and criticize the extremist scientific interpretation based on the verses of the Qur'an in a new way that emphasizes the context of the verses.
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