The Planning of Guidance and Counseling Service in Facing the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic
This study aims to find out the planning of guidance and counseling service in facing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially at SMAN 1 Terara. This study used the case study method to collect and analyze the data. The data were collected from observation, documentation, and interview. The interview was conducted with the headmaster, vice headmaster, coordinator of guidance and counseling teacher, guidance and counseling teacher, and homeroom teacher of the school. The result showed that the planning process began with the distribution the questionnaire of problem checklist to the students and collecting information from all stakeholders of the school about the phenomena or problems that exist in the school, analyzing the results of the needs questionnaire, determining service programs, consulting and program approval, then the last was the procurement of facilities and infrastructure that needed to carry out all service programs that have been prepared so the implementation would be carried out properly and effectively.
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