Registration of Land Property Rights for the First Time Based on the Right of Buying and Selling Under the Hands in Merangin District, Jambi Province
As a form of protection and legal certainty from the Government, Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 Article 37 paragraph (1) states that the transfer of land rights through buying and selling can only be registered if it is proven by a deed made by PPAT but in fact the sale and purchase of land and registration For the first time, land in Merangin Regency, especially in Kungkai Village, is still mostly carried out based on a sheet of underhand buying and selling rights or traditional buying and selling made by the Village Head, not infrequently this causes various legal problems related to the truth of juridical data documents in the form of the basis of land rights as the basis for land registration which must be examined and researched carefully. This study uses empirical juridical research methods, the formulation of the research problem, namely 1) Why do people buy and sell private land under their hands in Merangin Regency and how is the buying and selling process carried out? 2) How was the registration of land rights for the first time carried out on the basis of private rights in Merangin Regency? 3) What are the implications of the land registration for the community's obligations in implementing the first land registration in Merangin Regency? from the results of this study it was found that the sale and purchase of land carried out on cash, real and clear terms according to customary law was legal. Ownership rights to land can be registered based on the sale and purchase rights under the hands but must be accompanied by supporting evidence. Examination of the level of validity of juridical data on the basis of land rights carried out by the adjudication committee is only carried out formally, namely only limited to checking the completeness of juridical data documents while the material truth is the responsibility of the applicant who registers the land, so there is no evidence legitimate. There are still many people in Merangin Regency, especially in Kungkai Village who sell and buy land based on the basis of the sale and purchase rights under the hand, this shows that there is still a lack of awareness or public concern for buying and selling in front of PPAT, this is partly because people think the process is complicated and high cost.
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