Inclusive Learning Process Management and Teacher Handling for Children with Special Needs

Intan Komalasari, A Wahab Jufri, Muntari Muntari


This study aims to determine how to plan the implementation, organization, implementation, and supervision of inclusive education at Public Elementary School 1 Gemel. This research will use a qualitative approach with a case study method. The number of children with special needs is currently 21 students with purposive sampling. Data collection techniques in this study were unstructured interviews, participatory observation, documentation, and combination or triangulation. In this study, researchers used an interactive data analysis model, namely data reduction, data presentation, verification or drawing conclusions, and checking the validity of the data. The results showed that the overall management of inclusive schools at Public Elementary School 1 Gemel in the planning aspect was quite good with a percentage of 69%, the organizing aspect was 83.3% with good criteria, the implementation aspect was 81% with good criteria, and the supervision aspect was 57.1% with pretty good criteria. But overall the management of inclusive schools is classified as good with a percentage of 72.6%.


Inclusive; Management; Teacher Handling

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