Analysis of the Application of Total Productive Maintenance as a Support for Productivity by Measuring the Overall Equipment Effectiveness at PT Sumalindo Lestari Jaya Global TBK
This study aims to measure the value of equipment effectiveness, find the root cause of the problem and provide proposed improvements. The research was conducted on a Rotary Lathe machine that has a fairly high level of breakdown. This study began by measuring the achievement of the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) value, then identified the six big losses that occurred. The results showed that the average OEE value on the machine Rotary Lathe was 80.17%; this effectiveness value was classified as not reaching ideal conditions for a world-class company, ideally 85%. The biggest factor influencing the OEE value is the percentage factor of six big losses on idling and minor stoppages of 53.44% and setup and adjustment by 41.75% of the all-time loss. The proposed remedial measures are to increase preventive maintenance activities on production machines, determine setup standards on machines, hold periodic worker and operator training programs, clean machines and work areas before and after the operation process and provide repair tools as needed.
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