The Effort of Turjawali Traffic Units to Prevent Traffic Accidents at Purwakarta Police Area
According to Article 13 of Law No. 2 of 2002 on the Indonesian National Police, the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) is entrusted with maintaining public security and order, upholding the law, and providing protection, protection, and services to the community. It refers to the responsibility for ensuring public order and security. The National Police have a unique role in the community to avoid road accidents, as outlined in Traffic and Road Transport Law No. 22 of 2009. According to data on the number of road accidents in Indonesia, the number of accidents continues to rise year after year. The resort police in the Purwakarta legal area, particularly the Turjawali Satlantas unit, have undertaken numerous attempts to prevent and overcome traffic accidents in the area in an effort to prevent traffic accidents, particularly in the Purwakarta area. The inquiry was conducted at the Purwakarta Police Station, and the article was written qualitatively, focusing on the work of the Turjawali Traffic Unit of the Purwakarta Police in preventing traffic accidents (Poles Purwakarta). Based on the study's findings, the Turjawali Traffic Unit used three stages to make various efforts to prevent traffic accidents in Purwakarta Police in general, namely repressive, preventative, and preventive measures. In addition to the findings, violations are the root cause of many accidents. Traffic offenses can arise as a result of carelessness or purposeful rule infringement, such as disregarding traffic signs. In addition to insufficient vehicle factors, traffic accidents can occur as a result of human negligence in driving.
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