Improving Student's Learning Outcomes with the Use of Module in History Class X Social Science 1 Senior High School of 17 Tebo

Vidya Putri Kartini, Erwin Saputra, Muhammad Taofik Kurohman


The limitations of using efficient and effective history learning media are felt in history learning at SHS Negeri 17 Tebo, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study seeks to provide a solution by improving student learning outcomes by using modules in history subjects for class X SOCIAL SCIENCE 1 Senior High School (SHS) Negeri 17 Tebo. This module-based learning media is very interesting to discuss because it can be used by students in various conditions and is the key to the objectives of the 2013 curriculum. This study uses the Classroom Action Research method to see the improvement of students' history learning outcomes. This Classroom Action Research procedure is designed for 3 (Three) cycles, where each cycle is carried out in 3 (Three) face-to-face meetings. The action plan for each cycle in Classroom Action Research is divided into 4 (four) activities, namely: (1) Planning, (2) Action Implementation, (3) Observation and Evaluation, and (4) Analysis and Reflection. The results showed that there was an increase in the 3 cycles that were run. In Cycle 1 there were 60% of students who completed history lessons, in Cycle 2 there were 73% of students, and Cycle III increased to 80% of students who exceeded the threshold level of completeness in history lessons.


Learning Outcomes; Usage of Modules; History Lessons

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