Investigating Mulla Sadra's Citation to the Hadith of Imam Reza (AS) about the Necessity of Being Satisfied with Divine Predestination
One of the main claims of Mulla Sadra in the transcendent wisdom is the argumentative explanation of Quranic verses and hadiths of the Infallibles (AS), which is apparently one of the pioneers of Shia and Islamic thought in this regard. According to this view, Mulla Sadra in many cases of his books explains and argues about some hadiths, one of which is the hadith "Whoever is not satisfied with my decree and is not patient with my affliction, let him leave my land and heaven and worship a god besides me.[1]" Mulla Sadra's narration has serious differences with the narration narrated in hadith books and the original hadith is also faced with ambiguities in the narrative sources due to some of its unknown narrators. In the present study, it was proved that although Mulla Sadra's arguments to this hadith are correct, but his reliable narration is distorted and also faces argumentative problems.
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