Evaluation of Online Learning for Physical Education in Sport and Health (PJOK) in State Elementary School Throughout Bantul Regency
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of PJOK online learning in State Elementary Schools throughout Bantul Regency based on aspects of Context, Input, Process, and Product. The evaluation model that will be used in this study is the CIPP model. The subjects of this evaluation were State Elementary Schools throughout Bantul Regency, which amounted to 273 schools. Sampling technique using the Slovin formula with a sampling error of 10% obtained 73 schools. Furthermore, the sample in this study was determined using a purposive sampling technique, with the following criteria: researchers took 1 PJOK teacher, 1 principal, and parents of students who were willing to be samples and filled out questionnaires from researchers. Data collection techniques used the methods of observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the evaluation of the implementation of PJOK online learning in State Elementary Schools throughout Bantul Regency was 2.41 in the poor category. Based on each evaluation component, the following conclusions are obtained. (1) The context of evaluating the implementation of PJOK online learning in State Elementary Schools throughout Bantul Regency, amounting to 2.59 is in the good category. The indicator of the PJOK learning philosophy is 2.57 in the good category and the PJOK learning objectives are 2.61 in the good category. (2) The input for evaluating the implementation of PJOK online learning in State Elementary Schools throughout Bantul Regency, amounting to 2.39 is in the poor category. The teacher profile indicator is 2.44 in the poor category, the student profile is 2.25 in the less category, and learning facilities and infrastructure is 2.49 in the poor category. (3) The process of evaluating the implementation of PJOK online learning in State Elementary Schools throughout Bantul Regency, amounting to 2.38 is in the less category. The RPP indicator is 2.56 in the good category and the implementation of online learning is 2.20 in the less category. (4) Product evaluation of the implementation of PJOK online learning in State Elementary Schools throughout Bantul Regency, amounting to 2.29 is in the less category. The learning process evaluation indicator is 2.26 in the less category and the evaluation of learning outcomes is 2.31 in the less category.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i6.3823
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