A review on Notarial Deed Restriction Regulation based on Law on Office of Notary Public
The present study aimed to review the Regulation of Central Honorary Council of Indonesian Notary Association no. 1of 2017 regarding Fairness Limit of Number of Permanent Deed (Per.DKP No.1/2017) from the perspective of Law on Office of Notary Public. This study was classified as normative juridical legal study and was implemented by using statute approach. The legal material used for this study were books, journals, and the findings of the previous study that are supported by the interviews to the Notary Honorary Council. The data collection was done through literature study and interviews. The data were analyzed by using deductive reasoning. The finding of the study and discussion found that Per.DKP No.1/2017 that restricting notary’ authority contradicts against notary’ obligation to accommodate the parties’ concern as it is stated in the law of Office of Notary Public. Besides, the sanction imposed for the violation against this regulation is limited only in becoming the object of investigation of Notary Honorary Council.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i2.380
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