The Leadership Values of Bedhaya Mintaraga Dance of Yasan Dalem Sri Sultan Hamengku Bawono X
Bedhaya dance is a type of classical dance at the Yogyakarta Palace which is often performed in the Hajad Dalem Tingalan Jumenengan Dalem event. The Bedhaya dance that will be studied in this research is the Bedhaya Mintaraga Dance, namely Yasan Dalem Sri Sultan Hamengku Bawono X which is staged as a ritual ceremony for the Jumenengan Dalem Tingalan Dalem Sri Sultan Hamengku Bawono X. This research is library research, using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the study found that the Bedhaya Mintaraga Dance consists of historical elements of Bedhaya Mintaraga Dance, movements elements of Bedhaya Mintaraga Dance, floor patterns elements in Bedhaya Mintaraga Dance, characterization roles in Bedhaya Mintaraga Dance dancers, gendhing that accompanies Bedhaya Mintaraga, as well as the make-up and clothes worn by the dancers of Bedhaya Mintaraga produce the values of Leadership in Bedhaya Mintaraga which is a replica of the adaptation of Sri Sultan Hamengku Bawono X's piwulang which is expected to become piwulang / lesson of life and become a transformation of knowledge in society, especially for leaders to live in harmony with other communities and also transform people to be more virtuous in their God.
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