Application of the Principle of Responsibilities in the Management of Assets of West Lombok Regency (Lombok City Center (LCC) Case Study)
Good management of the regional property will facilitate the management of regional assets, which are an important resource for local governments, as the main support for local income. The purpose of the research is to analyze the application of the principle of responsiveness in the Management of Regional Assets of West Lombok Regency, study case of Lombok City Center. Research methods are a type of normative legal research, with a statutory, conceptual, and case approach. In conclusion, the application of the principle of responsiveness in the Management of Regional Assets of West Lombok Regency, the case study of Lombok City Center (LCC), has not reflected the principle of responsiveness, Because there is an inequality in the prevailing norms, related to the misuse of regional asset management in capital participation by the West Lombok Regency Regional Government to PT Tripat, the object of the territory's property has cooperated with the private sector, this is contrary to Article 36 Paragraph (1) j of Government Regulation No.27 of 2014 concerning The Management of State/Regional Property, in the application of cooperation partners not through tenders, so that the risk of state losses is likely.
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