Improving the Processes of Calculating the Inflation Rate in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Bakhodir Begalov, M. Umarov


The implementation of the Action Strategy in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 was reflected in large-scale reforms aimed, among other things, at improving and modernizing public administration. The system of national statistics was no exception. Recent years have been marked by a number of cardinal changes in this area, there has been a rethinking and awareness of the socio-economic significance of statistical data as one of the key indicators of the effectiveness of the reforms being carried out in the country.  Legislative acts adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as regulatory government documents, have laid a powerful foundation for the implementation of measures to improve the national statistical system. The approval of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics made it possible to identify key vectors for further development, served as a guarantee that the process of modernizing national statistics in Uzbekistan is irreversible and sustainable.


Processes of Calculating; Inflation; Uzbekistan

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