Process of Buying and Selling of 3kg LPG with Cashless System for Welfare of the Base Owner Reviewed from Islamic Economic Perspective
This study analyzes the process of buying and selling of 3kg LPG with a cashless system to the welfare of the base owner reviewed from the perspective of Islamic economics. This study used qualitative research methods to understand the phenomena experienced by the research subject in behavior, perception, motivation, action, and others, then describe the state of the researcher's object about the conformity between theory and reality (empirical) that occurs. The results showed that in accordance with the Islamic perspective, Buying and Selling with a cashless system is considered legitimate. From the information of key informan, namely AM, TM, RA, and JN, this transaction system can provide welfare from the Islamic point of view, namely maintaining religion (hifzud-din), guarding the soul (hifzun-nafs), guarding the mind (hifzun-aql), guarding offspring (hifzun-nasl) and guarding property (hifzun-maal). According to Islam, LPG gas is an item that deserves to be transacted, because it is a good that is needed, so that the existence of these goods is very helpful for the community in meeting the needs of food or treason, as well as other natural gas such as fuel which is also beneficial for humans.
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