A Comparative Study of Ten-Year Liability of Fixed Structures in French, Egyptian, Iranian, and Afghan Laws
The construction of non-standard fixed structures and their deterioration after construction, which causes human and financial losses, is a challenging issue. Preventing the construction of non-standard structures and their adverse consequences requires the serious attention of builders, managers, judges, and lawyers. The ten-year responsibility of fixed structure builders, in this paper, has been studied with a comparative view and with the aim of determining an appropriate and comprehensive solution. It shows that the laws of the studied countries, except Iran, hold the constructors of a fixed structure liable for any general, partial, failure, subsidence and defect that threatens the health and strength of the structure after performing and submitting it for up to ten years, whether damaged or the defect is caused by the ground of the construction site or the defective construction is done with the consent of the employer.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i5.3746
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