Female Entrepreneur Potency in Meger Village, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia

Wiedy Murtini, Nur Rahmi Akbarini, Tri Murwaningsih, Hery Sawiji


Female entrepreneur is important to a village’s progress, because the potency the rural women can be utilized to empower their village’s resource more expediently. This research aims to find out the potency of female entrepreneurs in order to direct more easily the type of business to be developed to improve their standard of economic life. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. This research taking place in Meger Village, Klaten Regency, involved female citizens, affiliated with PKK (Family Welfare Program) consisting of 70 women. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Technique of analyzing data used was an interactive data analysis. The result of research shows that many Meger Village women have potency in processing food including snack or cooking provided for food stall or catering. This potency needs to be developed in order to be useful to increase the income of Meger village women.


Potency; Entrepreneur; Female Entrepreneur

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i6.3741


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