Deradicalization of Children Exposed to Radical Terrorism in Terrorism Crime in Indonesia
As the use of violence in tackling terrorism will only result in other retaliatory acts of violence committed by the same or different groups of terrorists, deradicalization is considered as one of the soft approaches worth taking. The cycle of violence involving the state, in this case the combatants, and the terrorists should not be a resort in solving terrorism. Deradicalization programs for children should differ from those for adults since their critical thinking is not well developed, compared to adults’. Therefore, the phases of reeducation and reintegration are crucial to them so that in turn they can live in a society in harmony, and they are safely guaranteed to get disengaged from any radicalism exposure. This research aims at finding out how the deradicalization program on children exposed to radical terrorism in Indonesia is implemented. Using the empirical juridical method, this study serves as legal research on the enforcement and implementation of normative legal provisions in action on every legal event taking place in society.
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