External Conjunction on the Moses Story in Al-Qu’ran Surah Thaha English Translation

Dian Cahyo Kurniawan, M R Nababan, Riyadi Santosa


This study aims to describe the role of external conjunction on Al-Qu’ran Surah Thaha translated by Marmaduke Pickthall, a British Muslim and Koranic translator in early 19th century. The objective study is the conjunction on the Moses story in Al-Qur’an Surah Thaha. The data source from Al-Qur’an website www.altafsir.com, Jordania. These research method is descriptive qualitative with content analysis. There are 120 data identified as external conjunctions, namely: and (82 data), so (11 data), but (8), then (19 data). All the conjunction are classified based on external conjunctions by Martin and Rose (2003). The findings are: and as adding information or connecting argument; so, but as logical consequences, then as temporal consequences. The results, conjunctions represent a process of adding, comparing, sequencing, explaining the causes between figures, event, idea and things with logical connections. Finally, conjunctions link the ideation in the text as semantic system in discourse and creates cohesion of the story.


External Conjunction; Moses in Surah Thaha; Marmaduke Pickthall Translation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i3.369


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