The Efforts of the Community Development Unit in Preventing Campaign in Places of Worship in the Jurisdiction of the Batang Resort Police
The present study aimed to discuss the efforts of the Community Development Unit in preventing election violations at the Batang Resort Police. The research analysis involved management and communication theories. This study applied a qualitative approach using descriptive analysis method which was then carried out through observation, interviews and document review. After the research data was obtained, the next steps were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research findings included: 1) the implementation of Guidance and Counseling for Community Development Unit to prevent campaign in places of worship in the Batang Resort Police jurisdiction, 2) the factors that influence the implementation of guidance and counseling are divided into 2 (two) consisting of internal and external factors. Internal factors include the lack of personnel, overlapping division of duties of extension members, and the good quality of human resources for members. External factors include the absence of gathering facilities to carry out guidance and counseling related to maintaining public security and order ahead of the election, and 3) one of the efforts of the Community Development Unit is to propose additional personnel and determine a mutually agreed place.
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