Excellence Public Relation Model in Social Media: A Content Analysis of Tweets and Feedback on Twitter @DitjenPajakRI

Neng Indriwati Nurfurqonah, Andre Rahmanto, Sri Hastjarjo


The widespread use of social media among the public requires public relations practitioners to use social media also to build relationships with the public, including the Public Relations of the Directorate General of Taxes who has used social media, especially Twitter. This study aims (1) to determine the communication pattern that is used in delivering messages or tweets related to taxation, and (2) to discover tweets with which communication patterns get the most feedback from followers. This research is based on the theory of excellence in public relations from Grunig and Hunt, which emphasizes that public relations practitioners must focus on engagement and two-way communication to maximize the potential for long-term relationships with stakeholders including the public. This study uses a quantitative method with descriptive content analysis, by analyzing the content of tweets on the @DitjenPajakRI Twitter account based on aspects of communication patterns of Grunig and Hunt's public relations model and feedback to those tweets. The results of this study found that (1) based on the aspect of communication patterns only, Taxmin as a government public relations practitioner often uses the public information communication pattern that focuses on conveying messages and information to followers, and (2) based on the aspect of communication patterns and feedback from followers, the symmetrical two-way communication pattern is the communication pattern that gets the most feedback from followers, which prioritizes conversation, dialogue, and mutual understanding.


Excellence Public Relation Model, Communication Patterns, Government Public Relation, Twitter

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i2.3679


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