Bullying Behavior of Regular Students Toward Students with Special Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
Bullying by regular students against students with special needs in schools providing inclusive education in Mataram is a harmful behavior that must be detected and treated immediately. Students with special needs in this study belong to the autistic spectrum disorder. This study attempts to provide an overview of the level and form of bullying behavior in schools. The research approach used is survey research. The data collection technique used a Likert scale with 15 items. The scale's validity in this study was tested using expert validation, and the scale's reliability was calculated using the Cronbach's Alpha formula. The sample in this study was 31 regular students who were chosen through purposive sampling. The results showed that regular students' bullying behavior towards students with special needs was 26%, which was in the extremely low category. Although classified as extremely low category, the interpretation of scores explains several forms of bullying that occur, including verbal bullying such as calling by silly names, ridiculing, and demeaning, as well as psychological bullying such as displaying negative body language, neglecting, and excluding students with special needs from the association. Furthermore, prevention methods to the problem of bullying have also been addressed in this study.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i4.3666
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