Notary Legal Awareness towards the Notary Profession’s Code of Ethics in Sragen Regency
The position of a Notary in carrying out his duties is controlled by the existence of a notary professional code of ethics, but there are still some violations of the professional code of ethics. This study aims to examine the level of legal awareness of notaries in Sragen Regency in implementing the notaries’ professional code of ethics and future concepts that need to be implemented to increase notary legal awareness in implementing their professional code of ethics. The research method used by the author in this study is empirical juridical. The results of this study indicate that the legal awareness of notaries in Sragen Regency to the code of ethics of the notary profession, therefore namely legal knowledge, legal understanding, legal attitudes, and notary legal behavior in Sragen Regency is not appropriate yet, because there are still two notaries who violate the notary code of ethics. Further concepts that are required to be executed to increase notary legal awareness in conducting the professional ethics codes are first, the factor of the laws themselves (law) by holding the qualification of violation linked with the witness, the factor of law enforcer by arranging routine surprise inspection, the factor of facility and supporting medium by providing facilities to the Regional, Areal and Central Ethics Council, the factor of society in making effort by increasing public participation, Cultural factor strengthen the internal notary related with communication and active society’s participation.
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