Aceh Autonomy Policy and Qanun Post-Helsinki Agreement
This article that we compiled aims to describe the existing policies in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, especially the autonomy policy and Aceh qanun after the Helsinki agreement. Prior to this agreement, the people of Aceh still felt a conflict with the Indonesian government, especially GAM or the Free Aceh Movement, GAM itself felt that the Indonesian government was like committing theft of Aceh's existing sovereignty. Thus, GAM demanded that the Indonesian government return it. Therefore, there was an agreement between the government of the Republic of Indonesia and GAM, namely the Helsinkie agreement in 2005. What can be questioned from this agreement is whether the existence of this agreement will reduce the conflict between GAM and the government of the republic of Indonesia, and whether decisions or the policies issued are appropriate and provide benefits or not for the people of Aceh. These policies will also be discussed with the qanuns that have been issued by the Aceh regional government as well as laws from the Indonesian government.
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