Authentic Assessment Approach For Learning the Classical Dance of Yogyakarta Style
Authentic Assessment is an assessment that is integrated with learning and is an evaluation of the outcome of students' learning activities in disciplines, Attitudes, and Skills. By using the right techniques in order to prove that students have achieved learning goals. The purpose of authentic assessment is to get a true portrait of the competition from the learners, so this assessment becomes important to do. Based on this, this study will discuss the understanding of authentic assessment and its application to the learning of classical dance arts in Yogyakarta Style. The application of authentic assessment in the subjects of Classical Dance of Yogyakarta style is very interesting to do along with the purpose of very complex learning, one of the goals of learning Classical Dance of Yogyakarta style is learning about manners and it hopes can form the character of students to be better. Therefore, the assessment of dance learning needs to look at two aspects that specifically construct the assessment in the parts of this study, namely aesthetic experience and artistic skills. The result of this research is the concept of an authentic assessment approach to the learning of Classical Dance of Yogyakarta Style.
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