History Awareness Through Learning Local History form of Cultural Heritage (Naturalistic Inquiry Study at SMAN 1 Banda Aceh)
All regions in Indonesia have their own history, Aceh is known to have a large Islamic kingdom. The development of the present era cannot be separated from the role of students who must continue to remember the history of the area where they live. However, this is only used as a mere collective impression by students who have an important role to continue to echo the history of their area. This raises about the lack of knowledge and understanding for students. This study aims to determine students' understanding in understanding the Cultural Heritage of the Sultanate of Aceh in increasing awareness of Aceh's history. This research method used a descriptive qualitative naturalistic inquiry approach. The research subjects were 35 students and a teacher at a Banda Aceh school. Data collection techniques were in the form of observation to find out the data in the field during the research, as well as interviews to determine students' understanding and knowledge about Aceh's cultural heritage. The results showed: 1) Students at SMAN 1 Banda Aceh understand the importance of the Cultural Heritage of the Sultanate of Aceh by studying local history, especially the relics of the Sultanate of Aceh so as to raise awareness of historical anthropology and understand the historical process of its time, 2) The teacher provides meaningful learning to students so that they are aware of history by inviting students directly to the Cultural Heritage around the environment, especially around SMAN 1 Banda Aceh. The conclusion of the study is that the teacher finds a solution to make students aware of the importance of awareness of Aceh's history by connecting local history materials with the origin of the media around the neighborhood so that the learning process takes place well.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i2.3618
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