Mangigel Dance as a Dance Talent Therapy Medium
This research aims to describe the background of the creation and analyse the kinesthetic function of Mangigel dance as a medium for dance talent therapy. The object of this study is the choreography of Mangigel dance. The subject of this study is the choreographer of Mangigel dance. Content qualitative research was used in this research. The result of the research is (1) the background and the function of the creation of Mangigel dance (2) Mangigel dance and the accompaniment music as the form of dance talent therapy for children (3) the kinesthetic function of Mangigel dance as the medium for the dance talent therapy. The result shows that the therapy movement is divided based on the gender of the children, as the results there are different motives and movement volume. Movement motives refer to the Yogyakarta classic dance. The function analysis is: head, body, hand and foot. The conclusion is the body movement is happened from the certain muscle contraction. The optimization of children’s dance talent need movement skill practice which is the result of muscle contraction, muscle flexibility of the body and the expansion of motion in joints. The therapy of Mangigel dance has basic motions which refers to the development of Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence, including strength motion, balance, speed, explosive, rotation and body coordination.
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