Trade of Spices and Condiments in Khiva
This article provides historical information about trade in Khiva, the development of trade and the exchange of cultures between the countries of Asia, Africa and Europe. It was also noted that the city’s acquisition of the status of the capital of the Khiva Khanate and the favorable conditions created in the field of urban planning and agriculture played a big role in the development of crafts and trade, Khiva turned into one of the centers of trade in spices on the Great Silk Road. Information about the appearance and history of the distribution of spices in Central Asia is given, as well as the legends of “incense” and their use in cooking, medicine and other industries. As the main source, information from Arab and Turkic scientists and historical notes, diaries of Russian ambassadors and travelers are used. The article discusses about trading houses, bazaars and caravanserais in Khiva.
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