Emprak Mardi Laras Art Presentation Form with Menak Dance Movement Variety in Sleman Regency
The existence of traditional arts which is increasingly being displaced due to competition with modern arts has caused some traditional arts to approach extinction. This research was conducted to introduce the art presentation form of Emprak Mardi Laras which still survives in Sleman Regency. Researchers used a qualitative approach that focused on the form of presentation of Emprak art. Data was collected through interviews with artists, the founder of the Art group Emprak Mardi Laras, and art performers. Observations and literature studies were carried out to support the data obtained. Researchers perform data reduction, display data, and draw conclusions in checking the validity of the data. The art of Emprak Mardi Laras presents a story taken from the Ambiya Book. This art uses a variety of movements that are adapted from the dance moves of Yogyakarta Style Menak, accompanied by percussion instruments and Islamic songs. Make-up and clothing use the Stambulan Style, and are distinguished according to the character of the role they are playing. This art can be performed in a pavilion, an open arena, or a simple stage made to resemble a proscenium stage.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i4.3606
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