Siyasah Shar'iyyah Concerning Zakat Management in the Early Islamic Time

Arief Budiono, Gusti Ajeng Moetia Toja


The fact shows that zakat is an obligation that has not been carried out properly for Muslims. This fact is due to the shortcomings that are still unresolved. Among them are the weakness of social authority, political and legal support in the implementation of zakat. So far, the implementation of zakat has been left to the will of the people. At the time of the Prophet, everything related to zakat was taken care of by his companions. As a guide and guardian of zakat worship, he always believes that zakat is not only the good of the individual, but also the embodiment of social life. With the spread of zakat, he formed a charity whose use was in accordance with the principles of the Qur'an and adapted to the situation and conditions of the people at that time. For example, finance houses of worship, soldiers.


Zakat; Muslims; Social Life

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