Effects of Explicit Corrective Feedback with Metalinguistic Explanations on Oral Productions of English Tenses: Iranian EFL Learners’ Attitudes
The current classroom study was conducted to investigate the EFL learners' attitudes towards corrective feedback (CF) mediations after speaking assessment tasks on their effects on learning four English tenses. To do that,27 upper-intermediate participants were randomly allocated to the experimental group and 27 students to the control group. The sample was taken based on convenience sampling regarding their scores on a model of Oxford Placement Test. This study consisted of a pre-test, treatment, a post-test, and an attitudinal questionnaire. To confirm the validity and reliability of the pre-test speaking questions, we conducted a pilot test on a number of students. Faqeih's (2012) questionnaire was used in this study to measure the participants' attitudes towards picture-cued task, error correction in general, and explicit CF on speaking assessment. Using t-test, the data were analyzed for the first research question and the results revealed that the experimental group performed more effectively in learning four English tenses than the control group after being provided with CF. A One-way ANOVA was also run to analyze the attitudinal questionnaire. The study also indicated that participants had positive attitudes towards receiving explicit CF after speaking assessment. The current study can contribute to improving oral skills of EFL Iranian learners after being provided with CF.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i3.3600
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