Police Service Through Jogo Malang Application in the Malang City Resort Police Area (Polresta)

Juana Gita Medinna, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi, Surya Nita


Police service is one of the police duties that attempts to respond to social problems in the community. To provide a sense of comfort and efficiency, the use of technology through applications can encourage services to the community more easily and effectively. Jogo Malang, which was initiated by the Malang Police, is a technology application that allows the public to easily submit complaints on social problems they face. The purpose of this research is to determine police services using the JOGO MALANG application in order to boost security by the City Resort Police (POLRESTA) of Malang City. To obtain a description of the subject under study, descriptive research with a qualitative approach was performed. Interviews, observation, and documentation were utilized to obtain data. While the data analysis technique utilized in this study refers to the interactive model developed by Huberman & Miles, which includes data gathering, data reduction, data presentation,conclusion drawing, and data verification. This study was carried out at the City Resort Police Office (POLRESTA) in Malang City. The study's findings indicate that the hardware provided is adequate for the application implementation procedure. The second sign is software that is simple to use. Furthermore, HR and the resources provided are made up of people who match the standards for doing a good job. The fourth indicator is data and information demonstrating that the implementers were extremely cautious when implementing. According to their primary roles and responsibilities, indicators of the organizational structure via which officials are recruited can be determined. The sixth factor is communication, in which the Malang City Police is deemed to be successful in interacting with various parties involved in promoting applications and reporting/complaints. The final sign is the implementer's attitude, which shows that the application is liked by both the implementer and the user community.


Application Implementation; Jogo Malang; Security Improvement; City Resort Police (Polresta); Malang City

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i3.3596


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