The Role of Regional People’s Representative Council in Madiun City in Increasing Community Welfare
This study aims to find out and analyze the position of the Regional People’s Representative Council in the implementation of regional government and its role in improving community welfare. This type of research is normative using materials obtained through literature and positive legal norms. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that: the position of the Regional People’s Representative Council in the implementation of Regional Government as an element of the regional government is a working partner of the regional government and has an equal position with the regional government. The role of the Regional People’s Representative Council of Madiun City in improving the welfare of the community, namely: implementing the legislative function, in the 2014-2019 period made 16 draft regional regulations, carried out discussions on regional regulations on the initiative of executives, supervised the policies taken by the Madiun City government. In carrying out this role, the Regional Representative Council of Madiun City has been able to improve the welfare of the community proven by Madiun City in a period of 4 (four) years, increasing public welfare and ranking highest compared to 6 (six) autonomous regions former Madiun Residency.
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