An Application of Powtoon as a Digital Medium: Enhancing Students’ Pronunciation in Speaking
This research is focused on the use of Powton as a digital medium to improve the students’ pronunciation in speaking class. The researcher applies a classroom action research which consisting of two cycles with three meetings in every cycle. Collections of quantitative and qualitative data are gained from test, observation, questionnaire, interview, and diary. The quantitative data obtained from the test is analyzed in order to find out the mean score. Furthernore, the qualitative data are analyzed by: assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretations, and reporting the outcomes. The result of the research shows that Powtoon as a digital medium could improve: (1) the students’ pronunciation in speaking class; and (2) the students’ learning motivation. Hence, the findings reveal that improving the students’ pronunciation in speaking using Powtoon was successful viewed from some dimensions. The implementation of using Powtoon improved the teaching and learning process in speaking. The motivation, attention, interest and participation of the students improved. Therefore, it is recommended for teachers to use Powtoon in teaching speaking especially when they want to improve students’ pronunciation and to improve students’ motivation in the speaking class.
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