Supervision Effort on Beliefs and Religious Flows to Maintain Public Order in Society

Hermina Manihuruk


Supervision of religious beliefs and religious sects in society for the sake of public order and peace can be carried out by the community itself and also by the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia, which is the scope of duties, powers, and functions of the Prosecutor's Office in the field of Judicial Intelligence (law Intelligence) which leads to investigative activities. This study will discuss efforts to monitor religious beliefs and sects to maintain public order in society. Using the normative juridical research method, it is known that steps in the implementation of supervising the flow of beliefs and religious sects are carried out in a preventive manner, such as outreach to the community. However, obstacles are encountered when monitoring the spread of religions and religious sects in society, namely legal, cultural and institutional, or structural factors.


Order; Religion; Supervision; Trust

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