Internalization of Cooperation Attitude between Individuals Through Learning of Calung Banyumasan in Smp Negeri 1 Susukan

Tika Herwina Rosa, Ayu Niza Machfauzia


The ability to cooperate in developing attitudes that need to be designed to overcome the crisis of individualism in the face of globalization. Lack of concern for others is the main point for fixing together. Therefore, alternative solutions in instilling an attitude of cooperation from an early age need to be given to cathartic such problems. Internalization of the philosophy of collaboration is provided through the educational dimension, which is seen in one of Calung Banyumasan's extracurricular activities at SMP Negeri 1 Susukan. This study indicates that internalization is carried out through the Calung Banyumasan learning process, emphasising the working system. With the tendencies of the artistic nature of Calung Banyumasan, which emphasizes consistency, balance, discipline, and communication, it provides an excellent opportunity to internalise the attitude of cooperation.


Internalization; Cooperation Attitude; Calung Learning; Calung Banyumasan

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